Terms & Policy

Terms of Use – Information Security Policy

This website www.whiteanemones.com complies with current national legislation as well as the new European General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (GDPR). Please read this text before taking any action. This data protection policy concerns exclusively the company with the Name “GR EXECUTIVE PC”, hereinafter the “Company” and the services it offers. It is prohibited to copy or republish this text in any way except with the written consent of the “Company”. In case of copying or incorrect use, the “Company” does not bear any responsibility for any consequences that may arise, and has the right to take legal action against anyone responsible.


As your personal information is valuable to us, this policy helps our customers, existing and future, to find out how any personal data is collected and used, as well as how and to what extent you can influence it. the way we handle your data. In case you do not agree with this policy you should not start or terminate any professional cooperation with the “Company”. This policy is not about the data management process performed by third-party application developers such as Google or Facebook and we will assume that you know key terms such as what is personal data, what is described in the GDPR, what are your rights under the regulation and .λ.π. In case you do not know, we suggest that you refer to the respective sources for your information. The purpose of this policy is to inform you about our actions, in relation to the regulation towards our customers and not to describe or explain the regulation.

Ways of data collection

  • Every time you visit our website www.whiteanemones.com your IP is recorded on our servers for a period of about two to three months unless deemed appropriate for special reasons to be maintained for more.
  • The information we collect is anonymous, except for the contact forms, where we request specific information (such as: name, surname, address, phone, email) to contact you, which are not stored on the form or on our website www.whiteanemones.com but transferred to our email. From there, after processing, they are deleted after being transferred to a safe place as a communication history and are not accessible by third parties.
  • Our website www.whiteanemones.com uses Google Analytics as well as cookies in order to manage information that is necessary for the marketing of our company as well as your more orderly navigation. While you are browsing our website, anonymous data such as IP may be recorded through third parties such as Google or Facebook.

In conclusion, we would like to assure you that we will not use your personal or anonymous information that we collect and in no case can the company share your personal information with others without your prior consent, unless this is required through legal channels. (as in the case of a court decision). About the IP address: The recording of the IP address during the visit to our websites is considered necessary, since in addition to the recording of the movements made in them, it is also done in case of recording of unwanted activity. In case of misuse of the information of our websites or in an attempt to disrupt them, the IP will be used in order to provide information to the competent authorities for criminal prosecution of those responsible. However, this record does not collect your personal information which could immediately identify you without the intervention of the Competent Authorities.

Google Analytics – Cookies

The Marketing Department of our company uses services such as Google Analytics as well as the advertising services of Facebook in order to record the traffic to our websites, as a result of which we record and improve the user experience daily and become more informative about the services we offer.


Cookies are small files that store information on your computer about the page you are visiting and help your computer to “personalize” this visit, to save preferences, browsing the next time you visit the specific page, easier. We use such cookies as well as cookies related to Marketing. In case you do not want to save the history of cookies in your browser anymore you can delete them. All browsers have provided procedures and settings for deleting history and cookies, general use of data, contact forms, etc. About the contact details that you send us through forms as well as via e-mail are used only for our communication with you.
The terms of this policy may change or be supplemented in our efforts to comply with the current institutional framework.

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